Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Unknowing Know-It-All

I've noticed a new trend forming over the past week.   People have been partaking in a habit that is quite new to society.  Of course,  I have been doing it for years! Well, it's almost as if I started the trend!  Wait for it..........THEY ALL HAVE BEEN EATING THEIR CANDY BARS WITH A KNIFE AND FORK!!!!

   Wait, no.  That's not what it was.  Ah, yes now I remember.  What I meant to say is that I have been noticing that many people (including myself) have been giving into anxiety over where they are at in their lives at this particular time.  Not where they've been or where they are going, but where they are at.  But hey, this is totally a new thing (please note extreme sarcasm).
   The ones who are being plagued by this upheaval of emotion most likely belong to the group of people I affectionately refer to as the "know-it-alls."  They know who they are, what they are called to do, and  "where" they are going.   I have been an unknowing member of the know-it-alls.

       Some of us know-it-alls have been caught in this whole anxiety thing of the "now" in life..  We have it all figured out when it comes to our lives.  We have our vision.  We have everything mapped out of what we think will be next and how things are supposed to look.  We also have a long list of credentials as to why we "deserve" this self-packaged place or thing that God is going to give us.  Our list includes all the "sacrifices" we've made, things we've given up, the time we've been patient etc., etc., etc.   The list goes on and on.  And then, we start to say we "question" who we are, even though we actually know.  Basically, we are threatening God that we will hand in the towel if our demands aren't met.  All we are missing is a pistol, a ski mask, and a Big Gulp to go....and oh yeah, i'll take those Slim Jims and a pack of that Nicoret over there.
     What ends up happening is that we obsess about our destiny.  Does this make sense?  We end up making our calling our idol.
      The Lord showed me over the past week that this was the very thing i've been doing for the last couple of years.  I've been dwelling so much on where i think i should be going that it's been making me anxious about where I am at.  Why have I been spending my time trying to pursue all of this instead of  pursuing all of Him?  And then He asked this question: "What if all that you've been working towards were counted as loss for the sake of knowing Me?"  And something changed in me at that very moment.  It's like a switch went on inside of me.  Knowing Him was more important than all that I could dream up.  And for the first time in years, i really, truly answered with all of me, "It's ok if that's what you want God.  You're worth it."  The apostle Paul said it best:

"I once thought all these things were so very important, but now i consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.  Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that i may have Christ and become one with him."  Phil. 3:7,8

And then of course, peace followed.  And then I heard the still, small voice.  What if the reason why I brought you to this point was to get you to realize that you've been dreaming only within the boundaries of what's possible in your own mind?  (For the record, my name is not Neo, and no i did not take a red or blue pill)
       There is such a freedom in focusing on Him instead of the hows, whys, and nows.  It's in this place where you and God come into an agreement that, "yes, this is what i was made for.  You know it.  I know it. Thus saith the Lord.  Now that we got this out of the way, let's focus on our relationship."  Eventually the more you get to know someone, the more you trust them.  The more you trust them, the less worry, fear, and anxiety you have about putting all you hold dear into their care.  It kinda reminds me of a song.

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.  Just to take Him at His word.  Just to rest upon His promise.  Just to know 'Thus saith the Lord'."

"For the word of the Lord holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust." Psalm 33:4

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."   Romans 8:28


1 comment:

  1. A wise prophet once told me "Don't try, trust."
    It was one of the best words I ever got! :D
